Sunday morning we got up bright and early and enjoyed coffee and peanut butter toast along with a power bar. Jaime, myself, Mark, Chris and Catrina all were running. Sheri was out with an injury but bless her soul mustered up enough courage to come spectate. We got to Green Bay about 30 minutes before the race, we SEARCHED for the bag check, no one knew where it was. we finally found it. Did some quick stretches in the bathroom line and the hopped in the starting line. Jaime and I ran with no ipods. we wanted to truly be in the moment and wanted to hear everything. I do not regret this decision and I think next time (yes you heard right) I will run without music again.
Jaime and I started out at a nice pace, being very careful not to let the excitement of the day make us run too fast. We knew the importance of not burning out too quick. This was a long race. We paced our selves. We ran with no garmin or watch, again it was a decision. We really just wanted to run the race without stressing about time or distance. We trained together all winter. She is 12 years younger and faster than me. We knew that there would come a point in the race where we would part, but we planned to run as much as we could together. The first few miles were fine, lots of crowd support and energy. I saw my first spectator Kelly at mile 5. To hear my name was so fabulous. A HUGE burst of encouragement. We saw Jaime's family and her dad was just beaming for her. It was awesome. We crossed the 5 mile mark in under an hour and I remember saying outloud "we got this" At mile 6.5 Jaime started to pull ahead (that sounds much better than me pulling back) and we gently broke apart. We didn't speak, it just happened as we knew it would. I watched her get farther and farther in front of me. It was ok. This was our race, yet it was MY race as was HERS. I wanted her to run the best race she could as did I and I knew if I stayed with her I would tire. So I plugged along. At mile 7-8 I saw Nigel with a fabulous sign for me. YAY another spectator. It was so nice to see a familiar face. This was about the time where there was a band playing in a driveway and some guys were handing out beer. There was NEVER a point in the race that I felt I couldn't do it. Actually I thought "this is easy" now yes I am a SLOW runner, but a runner. I ran the whole way. The training is the killer, the race is fun. At about mile 11 I could see and hear Lambeau. I was almost there. At mile 11 I heard my necklace gingle, it was a gift from my BFF. I smiled. As I entered Lambeau I saw Kim and Nigel cheering for me, I remember yelling "I have nothing left" I ran through the players tunnel and out around the field. There were spectators in the stand and it was great to see Crystal. Back through the players tunnel and out to the parking lot. This is where I saw marathoners running beside me. I cheered and told them they were kicking ass! I saw Kim and Nigel again and I sprinted to the finish. I did a "Lambeau Leap" over the finish and my time was 2:33. I heard Sheri yell "I am so proud of you" I know that this day was so hard for her. I DID IT. I set a goal and followed through. No one got me to that finish but myself. No one trained endless miles after work for me. I did. I stuck with it and made it. It felt FABULOUS.
Jaime and I (P.S. she finished 10 minutes ahead of me)