Saturday, July 2, 2011

~I'm Hot and I'm Cold, I'm Yes and I'm No~

Summer. Is. Finally. Here.
Let's be real, summer here is short, so of course I want to enjoy every second of sun. We squeeze camping, drinking, and any sort of fun into every free second. Sounds great, right? The problem? HALF TRAINING! Yes I have another half around the corner---62 days to be exact. It has been HOT here. Wonderful for sitting in a lawn chair with a beer, not so wonderful for me to run in. I DIE IN THE HEAT, I tire so quickly. Today I am going to hit the treadmill in my basement. In my central air conditioned home. I HATE the treadmill, but I hate running in the heat even more. It is so hard to stick to my training schedule. I am a mama of 3. Kids have so much going on, especially in the summer. I run after work, but yet start to feel guilty that my husband is stuck home with the kids (especially after being home with them all day). I have to accept that I am a runner, but a mama and a wife and a nurse and a friend and a daughter as well. I need to allow all of my roles to take turns being first and accept that there are weeks where I can not run three times. I will do the best I can with the free time I can find. And that has to be good enough.