Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am either crazy or motivated!

Last Thanksgiving while in WI visiting with my sister-in-law and family, my brother-in-law and I made a pact to do the Green Bay Cellcom 5k. My brother-in-law had been a runner for years, yet never entered a race and I was a non-runner. We followed through and finished the 5k in May and had a BLAST. This brings me to this thanksgiving while out to dinner on Saturday night my brother-in-law and I decided that we would do the half marathon at the Green Bay Cellcom. Was it the drinks? Was it the nostalgic feeling we had discussing our previous race? Was it that enough time had passed to forget the ugliness of training? Or was it that we really did catch the running bug and were ready for the next challenge? Regardless of what it was, it happened, and we agreed with a smile that we would do it knowing that we certainly wouldn't win, but we would finish. Hell yes we would finish the race.

Training starts tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. on my dusty lonely treadmill. Wish me luck, good god I need it!

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