In 2012 I will:
run two half marathons. Drink less beer. Drink more water.
Nourish relationships. Smile more. Challenge myself.
My whole family joined the YMCA. We are excited that this is something the family can do together. It is much more than working out. It is spending quality time with my family. It is about involvement in my community. It is about healthy living. It is about trying new things. Today is our first day. YIPPEE!
I registered for two half marathons already. My first will be The Cellcom Green Bay Marathon May 20th . I ran this last year (it was my first half) and I loved it. It is a must for me again this year. The second half I registered for is Detroit Free Press Marathon October 21st . It is an international half that travels from Detroit to Windsor, Canada---how cool is that? My BFF signed up as well. This will be her first half.